Shocking Last Requests: The Craziest Wills That Left Everyone Speechless

People Reveal the Craziest Wills They Ever Saw

People have included a wide range of unexpected things in their wills that are only disclosed to their family members after their passing, from disowning a child to surreptitiously leaving everything to a stranger. This final act has frequently been utilized by people as a means of exacting revenge on their loved ones.

As people get older, many of them start to consider what will happen to their loved ones when they pass away. The realization that there isn’t much they can do to help them prompts them to consider drafting a will. What would happen to their possessions and assets once they pass away is determined in the final contract.

A will is often written by someone who is well and in good health, although some people create their will when they receive a terminal diagnosis. Some write something unexpected that surprises their family, while some divide their assets into pieces and leave them for their loved ones.

Some of the strangest and most absurd things that people have written in their wills were published by Reddit users. Many of their relatives were unaware of what was about to happen to them.

Grammar and clarity have been improved in the comments.

  1. The Unexpected Trust Fund

Scarlett Pimpernel, u/ I’m a licensed attorney. A woman wished to set up a £100,000 trust fund for her pet fish. She confirmed that it was just a regular goldfish when I questioned if it was a specific kind of fish.

After her death, she wanted it to be cared for by a neighborhood dog walker and fed fresh avocado every day. She meant business.

  1. Nobody Is Aware of Her

u/scarlett_pimpernel: Another woman acknowledged having a secret daughter and wished to conceal from the rest of her family the presence of the daughter’s assets, including money and pictures. Not even her spouse is aware of it. When she’s gone, that will be a great talk.

  1. The Fortunate One

u/mommy5dearest: A little older woman who worked at the attorney’s office where I worked gave her house and possessions to a bus driver.

Because he was kind to her and would support her, she did it. When her family found out, we were all waiting for hell to break out.

Her family is able to dispute it. I saw the signing take place. As far as we could determine, she wasn’t experiencing mental health issues because she appeared fine and knew the answers to the questions.

  1. The Fascinating Section

u/WanderCold: Because of the health insurance I had at work, I was required to prepare a will while I was in my early twenties. After talking it over with the in-house attorney, I was able to get this particular condition incorporated to my will.

The phrase said, “My funeral wishes are that I should be buried in a coffin which has been springloaded, such that opening the coffin would cause alarm to future archeologists.”

Then, a bunch of stuff about how my ashes would be strewn in a particular location if this is too expensive.

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