I Paid an Actor to Be My ‘Groom’ at a Fake Wedding to Get Revenge on My Ex, but Then We Had a Dramatic Plot Twist

I hired an actor to be my “groom” at a fake wedding, all to get revenge on my cheating ex. But as we stood at the altar, exchanging fake vows and a not-so-fake kiss, I never could have predicted how this elaborate charade would completely upend my life.

I never thought I’d be the kind of person to stage a fake wedding for revenge. But there I was, staring at my phone, scrolling through photos of Charlie and Samantha’s latest date night. My stomach churned.

Natalie angrily scrolls through photos of Charlie and Samantha | Source: Pexels

Natalie angrily scrolls through photos of Charlie and Samantha | Source: Pexels

“Screw this,” I muttered, tossing my phone aside. That’s when the idea hit me. If Charlie wanted to flaunt his new relationship, I’d show him I could do one better.

I called my cousin Tess. “Hey, you still friends with that actor guy?”

“Ryan? Yeah, why?”

“I need a favor. A big one.”

Two days later, I was sitting across from Ryan in a coffee shop, outlining my ridiculous plan.

“So let me get this straight,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “You want me to pretend to be your fiancé at a fake wedding?”

Ryan leans back in his chair, confirming Natalie’s outlandish plan | Source: Pexels

Ryan leans back in his chair, confirming Natalie’s outlandish plan | Source: Pexels

I nodded, feeling a bit ridiculous. “I know it sounds crazy, but —”

“I’m in,” Ryan interrupted, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Sounds like fun.”

Over the next few weeks, I threw myself into wedding planning. Dress shopping, venue booking, inviting friends who were in on the plan — it was exhausting but exhilarating.

“You sure about this, Nat?” my friend Kira asked as we picked out flowers.

“Absolutely,” I lied, trying to ignore the knot in my stomach.

Kira helps Natalie choose flowers, questioning her plan to fake a wedding ceremony | Source: Pexels

Kira helps Natalie choose flowers, questioning her plan to fake a wedding ceremony | Source: Pexels

The day of the fake wedding arrived. I stood in front of the mirror, adjusting my veil, when Ryan knocked on the door.

“Ready to get fake married?” he grinned.

I took a deep breath. “As I’ll ever be.”

The ceremony was surprisingly convincing. Ryan played his part perfectly, his vows so heartfelt I almost believed them myself.

“You may kiss the bride,” the officiant announced.

Ryan leaned in, whispering, “You okay with this?”

Ryan whispers to Natalie, checking if she's comfortable with their act | Source: Pexels

Ryan whispers to Natalie, checking if she’s comfortable with their act | Source: Pexels

I nodded, and our lips met. It was just acting, I told myself, ignoring the unexpected flutter in my chest.

After the ceremony, we posed for countless photos. Ryan’s arm around my waist felt oddly comforting.

“You’re a natural,” I murmured as we smiled for another shot.

“What can I say? I’m a method actor,” he winked.

That night, I posted a flurry of wedding photos on social media. “Found my true love,” I captioned one. “New beginnings,” on another.

Natalie posts wedding photos on social media, proclaiming "new beginnings" | Source: Pexels

Natalie posts wedding photos on social media, proclaiming “new beginnings” | Source: Pexels

It didn’t take long for my phone to explode with notifications. Friends congratulating me, family members confused — and then, Charlie.

“You couldn’t wait to flaunt your new guy? Pathetic,” his message read.

I smirked, feeling a twisted sense of satisfaction. But as I lay in bed that night, doubt crept in. What had I really accomplished?

The next morning, I met Ryan for coffee to debrief.

“So, how does it feel to be a newlywed?” he teased.

I rolled my eyes. “Honestly? I’m not sure.”

Natalie meets Ryan for a "debrief" after the fake ceremony | Source: Pexels

Natalie meets Ryan for a “debrief” after the fake ceremony | Source: Pexels

We ended up talking for hours. Ryan was funny, kind, and surprisingly easy to talk to. As we said goodbye, I found myself wishing our time together wasn’t just an act.

A week later, Charlie showed up at my door unannounced.

“What the hell, Natalie?” he demanded, barging in. “You get married after a month?”

I crossed my arms. “What’s it to you?”

“It’s bull, that’s what it is. You’re just trying to get back at me.”

Charlie accuses Natalie of trying to get back at him in a heated confrontation | Source: Midjourney

Charlie accuses Natalie of trying to get back at him in a heated confrontation | Source: Midjourney

The anger I’d been holding back exploded. “You cheated on me with my best friend! What did you expect?”

Charlie’s face fell. “I — I didn’t think —”

“That’s right. You didn’t think,” I spat. “And for your information, the wedding was fake. Happy now?”

He stared at me, shock slowly replaced by understanding. “Wow, Nat. I always knew you were petty, but this is a new low.”

As he stormed out, I slumped against the wall, feeling drained but oddly liberated.

Charlie storms out of the apartment | Source: Midjourney

Charlie storms out of the apartment | Source: Midjourney


Over the next few weeks, Ryan and I kept in touch. What started as casual meetups turned into real dates. It felt natural, effortless.

“So,” Ryan said one night over dinner, “are we going to talk about how our fake relationship turned into a real one?”

I laughed, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. “I guess we should, huh?”

We decided to give it a shot, for real this time. But our unconventional start didn’t go unnoticed.

Ryan and Natalie discuss the unexpected shift of their fake relationship over dinner | Source: Pexels

Ryan and Natalie discuss the unexpected shift of their fake relationship over dinner | Source: Pexels

“Are you sure about this?” Kira asked when I told her. “It’s not just part of the act?”

“It’s real,” I assured her. “Unexpected, but real.”

Things were going great until Charlie found out. He started spreading rumors that our relationship was a sham, that I was paying Ryan to be with me.

When Ryan heard, he was upset. “I thought we were past all this,” he said, his voice tight.

“We are!” I insisted. “Charlie’s just being a jerk.”

Natalie insists to Ryan that Charlie is just being a jerk as she prepares a meal | Source: Midjourney

Natalie insists to Ryan that Charlie is just being a jerk as she prepares a meal | Source: Midjourney

But I could see the doubt in Ryan’s eyes. “I need some time to think,” he said, leaving me standing alone in my apartment, wondering if I’d ruined the best thing that had come out of my ridiculous plan.

Three days of agonizing silence later, Ryan showed up at my door.

“I’ve been thinking,” he started.

My heart sank. “Look, Ryan, I —”

Ryan arrives at Natalie's door after days of silence, ready to talk | Source: Midjourney

Ryan arrives at Natalie’s door after days of silence, ready to talk | Source: Midjourney

“Let me finish,” he interrupted, taking my hands in his. “I’ve been thinking about how our relationship started as an act, but somewhere along the way, it became the most real thing in my life.”

I stared at him, hardly daring to breathe.

“So,” he continued, dropping to one knee, “Natalie, will you marry me? For real this time?”

Tears sprang to my eyes as I nodded, pulling him up into a kiss.

Planning our real wedding was a whirlwind of joy and anticipation. This time, every decision felt meaningful, every moment precious.

Natalie and Ryan joyfully plan their real wedding | Source: Pexels

Natalie and Ryan joyfully plan their real wedding | Source: Pexels

The day of our wedding dawned bright and clear. As I walked down the aisle, Ryan’s face lit up with a smile that made my heart soar.

Just as we were about to exchange vows, a commotion erupted at the back of the venue. My blood ran cold as I recognized the voice.

“This is all a lie!” Charlie shouted, stumbling down the aisle. “She’s a fraud! Their whole relationship is fake!”

Gasps and murmurs rippled through the guests. I felt Ryan tense beside me.

Charlie disrupts the wedding, accusing Natalie of being a fraud | Source: Midjourney

Charlie disrupts the wedding, accusing Natalie of being a fraud | Source: Midjourney

“Charlie, you need to leave,” I said, my voice shaking.

“Not until everyone knows the truth!” he slurred, clearly drunk.

That’s when my friends sprang into action. Kira and Tess formed a human barrier between Charlie and us, while others moved to escort him out.

“You okay?” Ryan murmured, squeezing my hand.

I nodded, watching as Charlie was led away, still shouting accusations.

Once the doors closed behind him, a heavy silence fell over the room. Ryan cleared his throat.

Ryan calms the room, confirming their relationship is real | Source: Pexels

Ryan calms the room, confirming their relationship is real | Source: Pexels

“Well,” he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, “I guess the cat’s out of the bag.”

A ripple of nervous laughter spread through the guests.

“It’s true that our relationship had an unusual start,” Ryan continued. “But what began as an act became the most genuine thing in our lives.”

He turned to me, his eyes shining. “Natalie, I fell in love with you for real. And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life proving that to you.”

Ryan professes undying love to Natalie during their vows | Source: Pexels

Ryan professes undying love to Natalie during their vows | Source: Pexels

Tears streamed down my face as I replied, “I love you too, Ryan. More than I ever thought possible.”

We exchanged our vows, the words now filled with even deeper meaning. As we sealed our union with a kiss, cheers erupted around us.

Later, while we were having photos taken in front of the church, Kira pulled me aside. “You know,” she said, “when you first told me about your fake wedding plan, I thought you were crazy. But I’ve never seen you happier than you are with Ryan.”

Kira chats to Natalie outside the church | Source: Midjourney

Kira chats to Natalie outside the church | Source: Midjourney

I smiled, watching Ryan chat animatedly with the photographer. “Sometimes the craziest plans lead to the best outcomes,” I mused.

As I reflect on everything that’s happened, I can’t help but marvel at the journey. What started as a misguided attempt at revenge led me to true love and personal growth I never expected.

Life has a funny way of working out sometimes. And while I wouldn’t recommend staging a fake wedding as a path to happiness, I can’t regret the choices that led me here — to Ryan, to love, and to a future brighter than I ever imagined.

Natalie reflects quietly on all that's happened, anticipating a happy future with Ryan

Natalie reflects quietly on all that’s happened, anticipating a happy future with Ryan

What would you have done? If you enjoyed this story, here’s another one for you about a woman whose best friend refused to believe her husband was cheating on her, so she set up a foolproof trap, unprepared for the explosive consequences.

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided “as is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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