I LIED, POSING AS SOMEONE ELSE ON A BLIND DATE — IT TURNED INTO A DISASTER WHEN THE REAL DATE WALKED IN “Hi there,”” the man said, standing up and extending his hand. “”I’m Tom. You must be Rebecca? You look gorgeous!”” Rebecca? Oh no, he’s waiting for someone else! My date hadn’t shown up either. For a moment, I felt disappointed… But then, a crazy, somewhat stupid idea struck me. But it’s a blind date, right? We probably wouldn’t see each other again. “”Yep, that’s me, Rebecca,”” I said, smiling back. Tom’s smile widened, and he gestured for me to sit down. As we started talking, I found myself enjoying the date more than I expected. Tom was charming, funny, and easy to talk to. We laughed about silly things, like how the restaurant’s décor looked like it hadn’t changed since the ’80s. I felt a connection with him… and for a moment, I forgot I was pretending to be someone else. Just as I was beginning to feel comfortable, a voice behind me interrupted our conversation. “”Hi, Tom! I’m Rebecca.”” The voice sounded familiar, and a chill ran down my spine… I turned around… Oh gosh, what have I done?! NOT HER 😰…⬇️ FULL STORY IN COMMENTS⬇️

My blind date was a no-show, but while waiting at the restaurant, I encountered Tom, who was also anticipating someone named Rebecca. She didn’t appear either. On impulse, I chose to assume her identity. Perhaps it was his engaging smile that persuaded me—it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly. Soon after, the actual Rebecca made her appearance, and I wished I could vanish.

I am employed at an advertising agency in the vibrant and bustling city of Boston. My days are filled with meeting tight deadlines, creative brainstorming sessions, and client meetings demanding the unachievable. It’s a high-pressure career, but the dynamic and creative nature of the job is what I thrive on.

My name is Alice, and while my professional life is in constant motion, my personal life tells a different tale— it’s almost non-existent.

Most evenings, I’m either working late or unwinding with a good book and a soothing cup of tea.


My colleague and close friend Jennifer has been trying to alter this. She fancies herself a matchmaker and is convinced that there’s an ideal match out there for me.

One day, Jennifer burst into my office, her eyes alight with excitement.

“Alice, I’ve found the perfect man for you. Believe me, you need to go on this blind date.”

I was skeptical as always.

“A blind date? I’m not sure, Jen. The last setup was a complete flop.”

Jennifer dismissed my concerns with a confident smile.

“This time it’s different, I promise. He’s thoughtful, amusing, and I have a hunch you two will click. I’ve arranged it all. You’ll meet him at that quaint seaside restaurant at seven tonight.”

With a mixture of resignation and a flicker of hope, I consented.

What did I have to lose?

That evening, I arrived at the restaurant. The ambiance was inviting, with gentle lighting and a seaside view that cast a magical glow.

Surveying the room, my gaze settled on a man sitting alone at a table, frequently glancing towards the door and checking his watch.

Approaching him, I noticed a small card on the table inscribed with the name “Tom.” This had to be my date, I thought, a nervous flutter in my stomach because I was running late.

“Hello,” he said, rising and extending his hand.

“I’m Tom. You must be Rebecca? You look stunning!”

Rebecca? Oh, he’s awaiting someone else!

My own date, Tom, hadn’t arrived either. For a fleeting moment, disappointment washed over me. Clearly, he had decided not to wait as we were scheduled to meet half an hour earlier.

Then, an idea sparked.

Why not pretend to be Rebecca? In the worst case, we’d never cross paths again.

His smile had already won me over, and before I knew it, I had made my decision.

“Yes, that’s me,” I responded, accepting his handshake with a returned smile.

Tom’s smile broadened, and he motioned for me to sit.

“I’m so relieved you’re here. I was starting to think you wouldn’t show.”

“Sorry I’m a bit late,” I said, settling in. “The traffic was horrendous.”

Our conversation began to flow, and surprisingly, I found myself thoroughly enjoying it. Tom was charming, witty, and easy to engage with.

We shared laughs over the dated decor of the restaurant, resembling something out of the ’80s. I felt a genuine connection with him, and momentarily, I forgot I was masquerading as someone else.

“So, Rebecca, what do you do for fun?” he inquired with sincere interest.

I paused, thinking quickly.

“I enjoy reading and hiking,” I replied. “What about you?”

“Same here! I also love cooking, particularly Italian cuisine. Maybe I could cook for you sometime,” Tom suggested, hopeful.

A pleasant warmth spread through me. The evening was turning out far better than expected.

As we continued our dialogue, I relaxed and started to genuinely enjoy the evening. Tom’s affable nature and humor were infectious.

Just when I was feeling at ease, a voice interrupted us.

“Hi, Tom! I’m Rebecca.”

The voice was familiar, and a cold sensation crept up my spine. Slowly, I turned to see Rebecca, a former friend, standing there with a self-satisfied expression. My heart sank.

Tom looked from Rebecca to me, confused.

“Wait a second,” he said, piecing things together. “This must be some misunderstanding. I already met Rebecca.”

Rebecca displayed her phone, showing a photo of Tom. “No confusion, Tom. I found you through this picture.”

The reality of the situation dawned on me.

Rebecca’s eyes gleamed with mischief as she looked at me.

“Alice, trying to hijack my date again? Should’ve seen this coming from you. Always the drama queen.”

Tom was stunned, struggling to grasp the unfolding events.

“You’re not Rebecca?” he asked, his gaze pleading for an explanation.

“I’m so sorry, Tom,” I faltered, the weight of the deceit pressing down on me. “I didn’t mean to deceive you.”

Tom shook his head, visibly upset. “I can’t believe this.”

Rebecca leaned in towards Tom, her tone laced with feigned concern.

“Don’t worry, Tom. It’s just Alice being her usual self. She’s got a history of spoiling my dates. But we’re cool, right, Alice?”

Overwhelmed by humiliation, I knew I had to leave.

“I… I need to go,” I stammered, rising hastily.

“Alice, wait,” Tom called after me, but I couldn’t bear to stay.

I rushed out of the restaurant, my heart pounding as I navigated through the night, each step echoing with regret.

What a catastrophe! How could I face Rebecca at work tomorrow?

What was I thinking? How did I let this happen?

The questions haunted me as I walked home, the cool night air offering little comfort.

The next day, I was distraught. I struggled to focus on work, the previous night’s embarrassment looming over me like a dark cloud.

I steered clear of Rebecca, but I knew I needed to resolve this somehow.

During lunch, I decided to seek out Jennifer.

I needed clarity on why my Tom hadn’t shown up for our date. Maybe she held some answers that could help make sense of it all.

As I neared the door, I heard voices inside. Jennifer’s and Rebecca’s.

Curiosity overtook me, and I listened in.

“It worked perfectly. Alice looked so foolish. She thought she could pass off as me and get away with it.”

Jennifer’s soft laughter followed.

“I can’t believe she fell for it. So, she really didn’t know Tom was meant to be your date?”

“No,” Rebecca replied, her voice dripping with satisfaction. “And now I’ve finally gotten revenge for that date she ruined years ago. It’s about time she faced the consequences.”

Shock and anger washed over me. So, this had been Rebecca’s plot all along—to embarrass me and settle old scores.

I couldn’t believe Jennifer had participated in this scheme. Fury surged within me, but so did resolve.

I needed to tell Tom the truth. He deserved to understand the real situation, and I couldn’t let a potentially good man slip away over a cruel prank.

Suddenly, I sensed someone behind me. Turning, I saw Tom.

“Hi, stranger! Are you alright?”

His presence caught me off guard, rendering me momentarily speechless. He quickly gestured for silence.

“Shh,” he whispered, taking my hand and leading me away from the door.

We stepped down the hall.

“I came to see Jennifer, but I heard enough to understand what’s going on. Let’s leave. How about a walk in the park?”

I nodded, seizing the opportunity to explain everything. We headed for the elevator, my heart pounding with anticipation.

As the elevator doors closed, I caught a glimpse of Rebecca emerging from Jennifer’s office, her eyes blazing with fury as the doors sealed shut.

Tom and I strolled through the park, the gentle rustle of leaves and birdsong creating a serene ambiance. The fresh air helped calm my nerves.

Tom broke the silence.

“I had an inkling something was off,” he admitted. “I gathered enough back there to grasp Rebecca’s motives. But why did you pretend to be her?”

I exhaled deeply, burdened by my actions.

“I’m sorry, Tom. My real name is Alice. I was originally supposed to meet you for a date, and at first, I mistook you for my intended date. When I realized you were waiting for someone else named Rebecca, your charm influenced my rash decision to impersonate her, unaware it was part of a scheme to humiliate me.”

Tom considered my words.

“Thank you for your honesty, Alice. I value your openness.”

Before I could respond, a group of children nearby began lobbing water balloons our way.

Caught off guard and embarrassed, I froze for a moment before rallying.

I grabbed a water balloon and retaliated, laughter erupting. The children cheered, and soon we were all embroiled in a playful skirmish.

Tom observed, a smile unfurling as he watched me embrace the unexpected chaos with humor.

Then, the children pointed to a tree.

“There she is!”

I turned to see Rebecca hiding behind the tree, observing us with a vindictive smirk. It didn’t take long to realize she had orchestrated the water balloon ambush.

Tom’s expression hardened. He approached the children and spoke softly.

“Hey, would you like to help me with something?”

The children eagerly nodded.

“Can you play water balloons with that lady over there?” he suggested, pointing at Rebecca.

The children complied, and caught off guard, Rebecca tried to flee but couldn’t conceal her frustration. Her true nature was laid bare for all to see.

After the commotion died down, Tom returned to me.

“Alice, I’ve fallen for you. Your ability to handle adversity with a positive spirit, even under the most trying circumstances, has won me over. I don’t want to lose such a remarkable woman.”

Moved by his words, I realized that Tom genuinely cared about me. We agreed to further our acquaintance, aiming to build a relationship founded on trust and mutual respect.

Tom and I began spending more time together, enjoying each other’s company. As our relationship grew, we discovered that true love could endure any challenge.

We pledged to support each other in all endeavors and vowed never to let external forces sway our affections.

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