Taraji P. Henson, a courageous and ambitious young woman, moved to Los Angeles at the age of 26 with only $700 and her beloved toddler son Marcell. She was determined to make a name for herself in the acting world, and despite the obstacles she faced, she persevered. Today, Marcell is all grown up and Taraji’s career is flourishing. We are so proud of her accomplishments!

You had a hard and difficult journey you had a lot of stumbling blocks I love you but you made it with your baby on your side. I pray for you and you come and my condolences for your loss but remember even a safe place he’s in a place of love you get to visit all the ones that went before him so he’s a safe hands of our God and you are too because there is a God you are standing here with that achievements that you have on and no one can take that from you so be blessed. And don’t worry about the small stuff you still here the rest doesn’t matter you are fed you are closed you have a roof over your head you can go anywhere you want to go and do most awesome things that you want to do live your life the best you can baby enjoy it you only get one so don’t sweat the small stuff you are better than that and God’s got you 🙏🤗💓

You are so deserving of your work and all of your accomplishments. I just love you🤗sister love forever. God bless you and your family❤️

Amazingly Talented Actress!!! May you continue to be a beacon of light for all black women trying to make it! Your son is a very handsome young man. May God continue to bless you both 😘❤️❤️

This lady here is a beautiful and amazing actress. Love everything she has performed in. 💖💖💖

This lady here is a beautiful and amazing actress. Love everything she has performed in. 💖💖💖

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