How to Keep Your Orchid Alive for 20 Years and Other Best Orchid Care Tips

Orchids have a bit of a diva reputation. They’re the prima donnas of the plant world, often labeled as “high maintenance” and “impossible to keep alive.” But don’t let those pretty petals fool you!

With a little bit of know-how, you can keep these beauties blooming for years — up to 20, if you play your cards right. So, grab your watering can and prepare to learn some sassy, insider secrets on how to make your orchid the envy of all your friends.

Now, let’s dive into the juicy details!

A woman posing with pink orchids | Source: Pexels

A woman posing with pink orchids | Source: Pexels

Orchids’ Reputation: The Drama Queens of the Plant World

Orchids are like the Hollywood stars of the botanical realm — stunning to look at but rumored to be divas to deal with. However, the reality is a little less dramatic. Sure, they might seem finicky, but with the right TLC, these plants can thrive for decades, not just months.

A white potted orchid | Source: Pexels

A white potted orchid | Source: Pexels

The key is understanding that orchids aren’t your average houseplants — they’ve got their own unique set of needs, and once you get into the groove, you’ll see they’re not so difficult after all. Think of it as a long-term relationship; a little patience goes a long way!

#Tip 1. Water Culture Method: Bath Time for Your Orchid

Water being added to an orchid plant as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikkTok/@growithjessie

Water being added to an orchid plant as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikkTok/@growithjessie

Now, here’s a tip that might sound strange at first — according to the TikToker Jessie Jacobson, sticking your orchid in water and just leaving it there can actually work wonders. Yes, you read that right. Water culture is like giving your orchid a never-ending spa day, and honestly, who wouldn’t thrive in those conditions? Forget the fancy potting mix and soil — apparently, this water bath is the key to a happy orchid. So, go ahead, draw a bath for your plant, and let it soak up all that H2O goodness.

#Tip 2. Light Requirements: The Right Kind of Spotlight

A potted plant near the window as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: Tiktok/@growithjessie

A potted plant near the window as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: Tiktok/@growithjessie

Orchids love the limelight, but not too much! These plants need bright light, but direct sunlight is a bit too harsh for their delicate leaves. Think of it as the difference between being in the spotlight on stage and getting blinded by a paparazzi’s flash. Position your orchid near a window with plenty of indirect light — south, east, or west-facing windows are ideal. If you notice those leaves starting to sizzle, just pull the plant back a little. Remember, we want a glow, not a sunburn!

#Tip 3. Seasonal Blooming: Patience is a Virtue

A woman holding a potted plant as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@growithjessie

A woman holding a potted plant as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@growithjessie

Orchids are like that one friend who disappears every winter but comes back every summer, just as fabulous as ever. They’re seasonal bloomers, which means those gorgeous flowers will take a break during the colder months. Don’t panic when the petals start to drop; it’s not the end of the world — or your plant. Just give it some time, and by summer, your orchid will be back in full bloom, ready to steal the show once more.

Jessie explains, “Orchids are seasonal bloomers, and that means the flowers fall off in the winter, but they grow back in the summer.”

#Tip 4. Assessing Orchid Health: Roots Before Shoots

Orchid roots as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@growithjessie

Orchid roots as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@growithjessie

Here’s a little secret: the key to knowing if your orchid is still alive is all in the roots. Even if the top looks like it’s on its last legs, white roots mean there’s still hope. It’s like finding out your favorite TV show hasn’t been canceled after all! Give those roots some water and watch as your seemingly “dead” plant comes back to life. It’s not magic; it’s just good gardening.

#Tip 5. White Orchids and Vanilla: Sweet Dreams are Made of These

A person holding a plant pot as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@growithjessie

A person holding a plant pot as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@growithjessie

Now, here’s a fun fact to impress your friends at the next garden party — vanilla, that delicious flavor we all love, actually comes from orchids. Specifically, white orchids! So, if you’ve got a white orchid, you’re not just growing a pretty flower; you’re cultivating a little bit of sweetness right there on your windowsill. How’s that for multitasking?

Jessica notes, “Orchids, specifically white orchids, are my absolute favorite because they grow vanilla bean seed pods—vanilla literally comes from white orchids [sic].”

But wait, that’s not all. Read on to find out more cool tips!

A woman checking on the leaves of a plant | Source: Pexels

A woman checking on the leaves of a plant | Source: Pexels

Other Orchid Care Tips: Making Your Orchid the Star of the Show

Now that you’ve got the basics down, let’s get into some additional tips to make sure your orchid isn’t just surviving but thriving like the superstar it is.

#Tip 6. More on Initial Placement: The Red Carpet Treatment

Tanner talking about orchids as seen in a TikTok video dated Feb 19, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@tannertheplanter

Tanner talking about orchids as seen in a TikTok video dated Feb 19, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@tannertheplanter

So, you just got your orchid, and it’s proudly perched on your coffee table, basking in all the attention. That’s fine for a week or so, but if you want this diva to stick around, you’ll need to move it to a more permanent home with better lighting. Think of it as upgrading from a small-town stage to a Broadway spotlight.

Place your orchid near a window that gets plenty of bright, indirect light — again, south, west, or east-facing windows are ideal. And if the sun starts getting a bit too aggressive, just pull the orchid back a few feet. After all, even the best actors need a little shade from time to time.

TannerThePlanter, another green-thumbed enthusiast from TikTok, advises, “So if you know, you have a really hot window, back them up a couple of feet, still maintaining a nice wide view of the sky.”

#Tip 7. Watering: What to Avoid?

Purple moth orchids | Source: Pexels

Purple moth orchids | Source: Pexels

When it comes to watering your orchid, you’ve got to channel your inner Goldilocks — it’s all about getting it just right. Ice cubes? Absolutely not! This isn’t a tropical cocktail. Your orchid prefers room temperature water, and it likes its roots to go through a “drought-flood” cycle. Water thoroughly, then let those roots dry out completely before the next round. It’s the VIP treatment your plant deserves.

TannerThePlanter adds, “If you know your tap water is trash, you might want to use a more distilled water, reverse osmosis, rainwater, spring water, anything that’s a little bit more pure [sic].”

#Tip 8. More on Root Health: The Secret to Success

Close-up of a plant's roots | Source: Pexels

Close-up of a plant’s roots | Source: Pexels

The roots of your orchid are like its fan base — they need to be kept happy and healthy for the whole plant to thrive. To know when to water, just check the roots. If they’re silver, it’s time to break out the watering can. After a good soak, those roots should turn a lush green, like your plant just put on its best outfit. This color change is your plant’s way of telling you it’s feeling fabulous.

#Tip 9. Fertilizing: The Post-Bloom Boost

Tanner looking at the plants in front of him as seen in a TikTok video dated Feb 19, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@tannertheplanter

Tanner looking at the plants in front of him as seen in a TikTok video dated Feb 19, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@tannertheplanter

When your orchid is in full bloom, you can skip the fertilizer — it’s already showing off. But once those flowers start to fall, it’s time to give your plant a little extra love. Resume fertilizing to encourage the next round of blooms. It’s like giving your orchid a protein shake after a workout — it helps the plant regain strength and prepares it for its next big performance.

According to TannerThePlanter, “When the flowers fall off, it’s not dead, but this is a good time to resume fertilizing.”

#Tip 10. Post-Bloom Care: Cut or Keep?

A woman posing with purple flowers | Source: Pexels

A woman posing with purple flowers | Source: Pexels

After the flowers have dropped, you’ve got a decision to make — do you cut the bloom stem back or leave it on? Cutting it back usually leads to bigger, better blooms next time around. But if you leave it, you might get some bonus flowers from the same stem. Either way, your orchid is gearing up for its next act, so give it the care it needs to put on a spectacular show.

#Tip 11. Repotting: A Fresh Start

Tanner holding a plant as seen in a TikTok video dated Feb 19, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@tannertheplanter

Tanner holding a plant as seen in a TikTok video dated Feb 19, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@tannertheplanter

Every year or two, your orchid might start feeling a bit cramped, and it’s time for a repotting. When repotting, go up just one pot size and use a mix designed specifically for orchids, like bark or sphagnum moss. This gives the roots the air circulation and moisture retention they need to stay healthy. It’s like moving your plant from a studio apartment to a cozy one-bedroom — just enough space to spread out and grow without getting lost in too much soil.

TannerThePlanter reminds us, “We want to do that about every 1 to 2 years or when the roots are coming out of the bottom drainage holes.”

#Tip 12. Potting Medium: Choose Your Fighter

A potted orchid plant placed near a statue and a lamp | Source: Pexels

A potted orchid plant placed near a statue and a lamp | Source: Pexels

Orchids are flexible — they can thrive in various potting mediums, from traditional orchid mixes to water culture setups. The choice depends on your care style and the specific needs of your orchid. It’s like choosing the right outfit for the occasion — whether it’s bark, moss, or water, pick the medium that makes your orchid feel like a star.

A red orchid with yellow spots | Source: Pexels

A red orchid with yellow spots | Source: Pexels

With the right care, your orchid can be more than just a passing guest — it can become a long-term member of your household. Follow these tips, and you’ll enjoy years of stunning blooms that brighten up your home.

There you have it, the complete guide to making sure your orchid doesn’t just survive — it thrives for years and years!

If you enjoyed reading this article, try this one about everyday life hacks!

Orchids have a bit of a diva reputation. They’re the prima donnas of the plant world, often labeled as “high maintenance” and “impossible to keep alive.” But don’t let those pretty petals fool you!

With a little bit of know-how, you can keep these beauties blooming for years — up to 20, if you play your cards right. So, grab your watering can and prepare to learn some sassy, insider secrets on how to make your orchid the envy of all your friends.

Now, let’s dive into the juicy details!

A woman posing with pink orchids | Source: Pexels

A woman posing with pink orchids | Source: Pexels

Orchids’ Reputation: The Drama Queens of the Plant World

Orchids are like the Hollywood stars of the botanical realm — stunning to look at but rumored to be divas to deal with. However, the reality is a little less dramatic. Sure, they might seem finicky, but with the right TLC, these plants can thrive for decades, not just months.

A white potted orchid | Source: Pexels

A white potted orchid | Source: Pexels

The key is understanding that orchids aren’t your average houseplants — they’ve got their own unique set of needs, and once you get into the groove, you’ll see they’re not so difficult after all. Think of it as a long-term relationship; a little patience goes a long way!

#Tip 1. Water Culture Method: Bath Time for Your Orchid

Water being added to an orchid plant as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikkTok/@growithjessie

Water being added to an orchid plant as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikkTok/@growithjessie

Now, here’s a tip that might sound strange at first — according to the TikToker Jessie Jacobson, sticking your orchid in water and just leaving it there can actually work wonders. Yes, you read that right. Water culture is like giving your orchid a never-ending spa day, and honestly, who wouldn’t thrive in those conditions? Forget the fancy potting mix and soil — apparently, this water bath is the key to a happy orchid. So, go ahead, draw a bath for your plant, and let it soak up all that H2O goodness.

#Tip 2. Light Requirements: The Right Kind of Spotlight

A potted plant near the window as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: Tiktok/@growithjessie

A potted plant near the window as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: Tiktok/@growithjessie

Orchids love the limelight, but not too much! These plants need bright light, but direct sunlight is a bit too harsh for their delicate leaves. Think of it as the difference between being in the spotlight on stage and getting blinded by a paparazzi’s flash. Position your orchid near a window with plenty of indirect light — south, east, or west-facing windows are ideal. If you notice those leaves starting to sizzle, just pull the plant back a little. Remember, we want a glow, not a sunburn!

#Tip 3. Seasonal Blooming: Patience is a Virtue

A woman holding a potted plant as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@growithjessie

A woman holding a potted plant as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@growithjessie

Orchids are like that one friend who disappears every winter but comes back every summer, just as fabulous as ever. They’re seasonal bloomers, which means those gorgeous flowers will take a break during the colder months. Don’t panic when the petals start to drop; it’s not the end of the world — or your plant. Just give it some time, and by summer, your orchid will be back in full bloom, ready to steal the show once more.

Jessie explains, “Orchids are seasonal bloomers, and that means the flowers fall off in the winter, but they grow back in the summer.”

#Tip 4. Assessing Orchid Health: Roots Before Shoots

Orchid roots as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@growithjessie

Orchid roots as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@growithjessie

Here’s a little secret: the key to knowing if your orchid is still alive is all in the roots. Even if the top looks like it’s on its last legs, white roots mean there’s still hope. It’s like finding out your favorite TV show hasn’t been canceled after all! Give those roots some water and watch as your seemingly “dead” plant comes back to life. It’s not magic; it’s just good gardening.

#Tip 5. White Orchids and Vanilla: Sweet Dreams are Made of These

A person holding a plant pot as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@growithjessie

A person holding a plant pot as seen in a TikTok video dated Jan 24, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@growithjessie

Now, here’s a fun fact to impress your friends at the next garden party — vanilla, that delicious flavor we all love, actually comes from orchids. Specifically, white orchids! So, if you’ve got a white orchid, you’re not just growing a pretty flower; you’re cultivating a little bit of sweetness right there on your windowsill. How’s that for multitasking?

Jessica notes, “Orchids, specifically white orchids, are my absolute favorite because they grow vanilla bean seed pods—vanilla literally comes from white orchids [sic].”

But wait, that’s not all. Read on to find out more cool tips!

A woman checking on the leaves of a plant | Source: Pexels

A woman checking on the leaves of a plant | Source: Pexels

Other Orchid Care Tips: Making Your Orchid the Star of the Show

Now that you’ve got the basics down, let’s get into some additional tips to make sure your orchid isn’t just surviving but thriving like the superstar it is.

#Tip 6. More on Initial Placement: The Red Carpet Treatment

Tanner talking about orchids as seen in a TikTok video dated Feb 19, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@tannertheplanter

Tanner talking about orchids as seen in a TikTok video dated Feb 19, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@tannertheplanter

So, you just got your orchid, and it’s proudly perched on your coffee table, basking in all the attention. That’s fine for a week or so, but if you want this diva to stick around, you’ll need to move it to a more permanent home with better lighting. Think of it as upgrading from a small-town stage to a Broadway spotlight.

Place your orchid near a window that gets plenty of bright, indirect light — again, south, west, or east-facing windows are ideal. And if the sun starts getting a bit too aggressive, just pull the orchid back a few feet. After all, even the best actors need a little shade from time to time.

TannerThePlanter, another green-thumbed enthusiast from TikTok, advises, “So if you know, you have a really hot window, back them up a couple of feet, still maintaining a nice wide view of the sky.”

#Tip 7. Watering: What to Avoid?

Purple moth orchids | Source: Pexels

Purple moth orchids | Source: Pexels

When it comes to watering your orchid, you’ve got to channel your inner Goldilocks — it’s all about getting it just right. Ice cubes? Absolutely not! This isn’t a tropical cocktail. Your orchid prefers room temperature water, and it likes its roots to go through a “drought-flood” cycle. Water thoroughly, then let those roots dry out completely before the next round. It’s the VIP treatment your plant deserves.

TannerThePlanter adds, “If you know your tap water is trash, you might want to use a more distilled water, reverse osmosis, rainwater, spring water, anything that’s a little bit more pure [sic].”

#Tip 8. More on Root Health: The Secret to Success

Close-up of a plant's roots | Source: Pexels

Close-up of a plant’s roots | Source: Pexels

The roots of your orchid are like its fan base — they need to be kept happy and healthy for the whole plant to thrive. To know when to water, just check the roots. If they’re silver, it’s time to break out the watering can. After a good soak, those roots should turn a lush green, like your plant just put on its best outfit. This color change is your plant’s way of telling you it’s feeling fabulous.

#Tip 9. Fertilizing: The Post-Bloom Boost

Tanner looking at the plants in front of him as seen in a TikTok video dated Feb 19, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@tannertheplanter

Tanner looking at the plants in front of him as seen in a TikTok video dated Feb 19, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@tannertheplanter

When your orchid is in full bloom, you can skip the fertilizer — it’s already showing off. But once those flowers start to fall, it’s time to give your plant a little extra love. Resume fertilizing to encourage the next round of blooms. It’s like giving your orchid a protein shake after a workout — it helps the plant regain strength and prepares it for its next big performance.

According to TannerThePlanter, “When the flowers fall off, it’s not dead, but this is a good time to resume fertilizing.”

#Tip 10. Post-Bloom Care: Cut or Keep?

A woman posing with purple flowers | Source: Pexels

A woman posing with purple flowers | Source: Pexels

After the flowers have dropped, you’ve got a decision to make — do you cut the bloom stem back or leave it on? Cutting it back usually leads to bigger, better blooms next time around. But if you leave it, you might get some bonus flowers from the same stem. Either way, your orchid is gearing up for its next act, so give it the care it needs to put on a spectacular show.

#Tip 11. Repotting: A Fresh Start

Tanner holding a plant as seen in a TikTok video dated Feb 19, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@tannertheplanter

Tanner holding a plant as seen in a TikTok video dated Feb 19, 2023 | Source: TikTok/@tannertheplanter

Every year or two, your orchid might start feeling a bit cramped, and it’s time for a repotting. When repotting, go up just one pot size and use a mix designed specifically for orchids, like bark or sphagnum moss. This gives the roots the air circulation and moisture retention they need to stay healthy. It’s like moving your plant from a studio apartment to a cozy one-bedroom — just enough space to spread out and grow without getting lost in too much soil.

TannerThePlanter reminds us, “We want to do that about every 1 to 2 years or when the roots are coming out of the bottom drainage holes.”

#Tip 12. Potting Medium: Choose Your Fighter

A potted orchid plant placed near a statue and a lamp | Source: Pexels

A potted orchid plant placed near a statue and a lamp | Source: Pexels

Orchids are flexible — they can thrive in various potting mediums, from traditional orchid mixes to water culture setups. The choice depends on your care style and the specific needs of your orchid. It’s like choosing the right outfit for the occasion — whether it’s bark, moss, or water, pick the medium that makes your orchid feel like a star.

A red orchid with yellow spots | Source: Pexels

A red orchid with yellow spots | Source: Pexels

With the right care, your orchid can be more than just a passing guest — it can become a long-term member of your household. Follow these tips, and you’ll enjoy years of stunning blooms that brighten up your home.

There you have it, the complete guide to making sure your orchid doesn’t just survive — it thrives for years and years!

If you enjoyed reading this article, try this one about everyday life hacks!

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