In Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls 2, Jim Carrey returns as the eccentric pet detective in a zany new adventure with high stakes and nonstop laughs. The film begins with Ace living in seclusion in a jungle sanctuary, caring for endangered animals. However, his peace is disrupted when an international conservation group seeks his help to solve the mysterious disappearance of several rare species from a wildlife reserve in Africa.
Ace discovers that billionaire mogul Max Braddock (played by Will Ferrell) is behind the disappearances. Braddock uses advanced AI drones to capture endangered animals, intending to create a private zoo for the world’s wealthiest individuals. As Ace digs deeper, he partners with Dr. Clara Henshaw (Zendaya), a passionate conservationist, and Jomo (Keegan-Michael Key), a witty local guide.
Their quest takes them across breathtaking landscapes, from dense jungles to sprawling savannas. Along the way, Ace’s antics cause chaos, including a wild escape from a pack of lions and a comedic impersonation of a rare bird. The climax occurs at Braddock’s high-tech compound, where Ace stages a daring rescue mission, unleashing the captured animals in a stampede that destroys the facility.
In the end, Ace confronts Braddock, who is arrested for his crimes. The movie closes with Ace returning to his sanctuary, only for a polar bear to arrive with an urgent message—teasing a new Arctic adventure in a potential sequel. Fans can expect a blend of nostalgia and fresh comedic moments in this exciting follow-up.